Feeling overwhelmed with your Social Media efforts? Are you using social media to convey and achieve your business goals? Are you seeing a helthy increase in followers each day? Our social media sercives provide a launching pad for you to deliver your unique products and services to the online arena. Let us take the lead and show you how a well-planned social strate3gy can impact a truly global market.
Social media can be an effective means for engaging your with your target audience. If done correctly, your social media will be in sync with your corporate strategies and will help achieve your goals and objectives. Our team of social experts can help get you set up with a targeted social strategy that works for you.
It really is a proven fact: businesses that have an active effective presence on Social Media, build their brands better, faster, and stronger than their competitors. Social Media that engages clients and prospectie customers, builds brands, makes money, drives traffic, and increases SEO ranking.
However, most people HATE doing it. And this is where we come in
The online marketing and advertising game has changed, and the message is no longer direct and one-way. If you are not using social media to brand yourself or promote your business, you are missing out on a huge opportunity.
Going Social, a Toronto-based social media marketing company, specializes in working with organizations and businesses to build a reputation “socially.” Using Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Yelp and other social platforms, we work with our clients to establish a social media plan, define measurable goals and then work to drive sales and referrals with effective social media marketing strategies and engagement.
What we do for you?
manually post to your Social networks daily
post content reletive to your business and industry, establishing you as a go-to authority
all posts are done by writers located within North America
all posts are done dy individuals who are passionate about both golf and business
we monitor all engagements
we grow followers naturally (no purchased followers)
Content development & analysis
Measurement and analytics
social strategy and marketing plan
Benefits you get
higher search engine ranking for your site
a great way to build recognizable branding for products and services
more inbound links that point back to your website
increased visibility and recognition for your business and services
solid relationships with your clients, partners, vendors and staff
generate more leads
connect with customers
drive web traffic
get better referrals
expand market reach
build brand awareness
Setup & Design
Want to manage your own Social Media, but not sure how to get started. This package is designed to get you set up and running with all your social needs. One of our Social experts will work with you to get you established within the social realm. We'll analyse your business and design a social strategy that works in synergy with your existing business goals.
Throughout the month, we'll not only set up your accounts, we'll create a schedule that will allow you to effectively manage your profiles.
Cost for this package - $1,000
Social Management
Social Media is the fastest growing media on the planet. Maximize your business growth with our team of experts that will manage your social media and build your following like never before! With targeted campaigns, we create content that represents the voice and presence of your brand.
Let us do all your social media content creation and posting for you, so you can stay focused on your business.
We will work with you in analysing your current business strategy and goals to ensure your social media amplifies those goals. Your social media accounts should be an extension of your business and should be seamlessly integrated with your website and other online initiatives.
Cost for managing:
2 Social accounts - $500/month
3 Social accounts - $600/month
4 Social accounts - $700/month
Blog Management
Blogs are a great way of bridging the gap between your corporate website and your social media efforts. If managed properly, they can effectively grow your brand awareness and help establish your company as a well known source for industry news and information.
In managing your blog, we will post a combination of unique content written specifically for your blog as well as share other articles from industry experts.
You're blog will act as a hub between your corporate website and your social media efforts, seamlessly tieing everything together.
Cost for this package:
4 posts/month - $500
6 posts/month - $600
8 posts/month - $700