Name That Golfer - Week 10
I hope you've got your thinking caps on for this weeks #NameThatGolf as we've tried to make it a little more challenging. No prizes up for grabs this week, instead, we'll be donating $5 for every correct answer to one of our favorite golf charities, Caddy For A Cure. Caddy For A Cure offers the general public a chance to caddie for PGA Tour players during official PGA Tour sanctioned events... All in the name of charity. So, lets get to it... Do you recognize this former PGA Tour player?

About Name That Golfer "Name That Golfer" is a weekly contest series where we post caricature/sketches of PGA Tour players, LPGA Tour players and other golf personalities. If you recognize the golfer illustrated, share your answer with us through one of our social channels using #NameThatGolfer for your chance at weekly prizes. Submit your guess in the comment section below, or join the conversation on Facebook ( or on Twitter (@EatSleepGolf) and use #NameThatGolfer. To see all our golf sketches from other weeks, click here.