#WednesdayMatchPlay with Michael Whan from the LPGA
Guest: Michael Whan Brand: LPGA (www.lpga.com) Overview The 2018 CME Group Championship is in Naples, Florida this week, and the LPGA...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Rusty Seymour from El Macero Country Club
Guest: Rusty Seymour Brand: El Macero Country Club (www.elmacerocc.org) Overview I've known Rusty Seymour for quite some time, and have...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Andrew Workman from Hole-in-One U.S.A
Guest: Andrew Workman Brand: Hole-in-One U.S.A (www.hiousa.com) Overview I've known Andrew Workman for quite some time, and was happy to...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Crystal Morse from The Legends Golf Club
Guest: Crystal Morse Brand: The Legends Golf Club (www.thelegendsgolfclub.com) Overview I remember playing The Legends Golf Club in high...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Randy Weckerly from Links & Libations Magazine
Guest: Randy Weckerly Brand: Links & LIbations Magazine (www.linksandlibations.com) Overview I found Links & Libations Magazine and I...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Dr. Shannon Reece from Training for Optimal Performance
Guest: Dr. Shannon Reece Brand: Training for Optimal Performance (www.trainingforoptimalperformance.com) Overview I've gotten the chance...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Jose Torbay from The Grint
Guest: Jose Torbay Brand: The Grint (www.thegrint.com) Overview I've been using TheGrint for quite some time, and really enjoy the...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Evan Schiller from Evan Schiller Photography
Guest: Evan Schiller Brand: Evan Schiller Photography (www.evanschillerphotography.com) Overview When I am on the golf course, I use my...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Jeff Brooke from Global Golf Post
Guest: Jeff Brooke Brand: Global Golf Post (www.globalgolfpost.com) Overview Jeff Brooke lives in Canada and is a journalist with The...

#WednesdayMatchPlay with Travis Fulton from Travis Fulton Golf
Guest: Travis Fulton Brand: Travis Fulton Golf (www.travisfultongolf.com) Overview I've been following Travis Fulton on Twitter for...